“… Eine Sitzung mit Ihnen ist immer bereichernd. Sie sehen die Dinge so klar und aus anderen Perspektiven, das bringt mich weiter. Sie sind wirklich ein Geschenk und scheinen ein so klares, helles Licht! ”
Hanna, Abteilungsleiterin in einer Immobilienagentur, Hong Kong
“I had several sessions with Astrid, and even during the first one I felt a major shift energetically! She started with exactly the issue I needed clarity on. Then I received a powerful clearing…(she) miraculously cleared all old hurts and wounds.”
Phyllis S., Therapist, Hong Kong
“Astrid is a very caring and thoughtful teacher – you will feel immediately comfortable in her presence and can know that you are really in good hands.”
Natasha W., Therapist, Hong Kong
“Wenn ich merke, dass mein Energielevel absinkt, meine Gedanken mich kontrollieren und nicht loslassen, der innere Schmerz zu gross wird, dann weiss ich, dass es an der Zeit für eine Session mit Astrid ist. Unsere Gespräche heben mich sofort auf einen anderen, sehr angenehmen Energie Level. Spontane meditative Reisen helfen mir die Steine, die im Weg liegen zu beseitigen, verkrustete Schichten zu loesen, den Energiefluss zu optimieren. Die Gedanken moegen wieder auftauchen, aber anders, leichter. Und das Herz wird weit, ich kann wieder Liebe spüren. Ich bin mehr im Jetzt.
Das Human Design Reading war sehr aufschlussreich und hat mir sehr geholfen, mich besser zu verstehen und zu akzeptieren.
Ich schaetze an Astrid sehr, dass sie IMMER die richtigen Worte für mich findet und immer für mich da ist. Unsere Skype Sessions sind sehr persönlich, wohltuend und privat. Ein herzliches Dankeschön an Astrid, dass sie mich auf meiner spannenden Reise mit den Herausforderungen großartig begleitet.”
Regine, Leiterin Marketing und Kommunikation, Sydney
“Working with Astrid and her sharp observation gave me a complete new perspective and I can now look into the future with much more lightness and joy. I am amazed how I imprisoned myself by my limited view of the world.”
Nora W., Editor and Publisher, Hong Kong
“I was feeling out of balance and disconnected before I met Astrid. During the session I felt transported to a very quiet and safe place and experienced a huge release of the burden I had come with. Since the session I feel more connected with my body and intuition.”
Francisca R., High School Teacher, Germany
“I am delighted to write this testimonial. Astrid is a truly gifted healer and teacher with a big loving heart. Insightful and caring, it feels as though a door has been opened to my heart. I recommend her workshops to everyone as I am sure you will find them as rewarding as I have.”
Lily N., Administration Manager, Hong Kong
“I didn’t think that my very difficult situation could ever be resolved. I was very tired, confused and overwhelmed by it all; something in me realized that my only possible solution lay in other realms. I eventually discovered Astrid’s work, the results of which have astounded me. It was certainly different, but now I feel there is no issue that I cannot deal with in a calm and positive way.”
Mark K., Business Owner, Hong Kong
“Astrid worked with me several times on my own issues of anxiety, depression and feelings of loneliness and separation. Her approach is one of utmost sensitivity and intuition, always respecting individual boundaries and vulnerability. It is not only professional but comes directly from her heart. The energy flow and exchange during the sessions are just beautiful and took me to the core of my inner being.
I had another very powerful relationship session with Astrid where in the end, it was love and clarity that prevailed and this is how all of Astrid´s sessions work for me”
Veronika, German embassy employee
“Astrid helped me tremendously to calm my mind, helping me to see life differently. I had definite control issues with expectations and judgements about how people and things had to be, but with Astrid’s help, I learned instead to accept what is happening and to be curious why things happen the way they do. The learnings are truly long lasting and can easily be integrated into my daily life.”
Chloe M., Marketing Manager, Hong Kong
“Working with Astrid and her sharp observation gave me a complete new perspective and I can now look into the future with much more lightness and joy. I am amazed how I imprisoned myself by my limited view of the world.”
Nora W., Editor and Publisher, Hong Kong
“I was feeling out of balance and disconnected before I met Astrid. During the session I felt transported to a very quiet and safe place and experienced a huge release of the burden I had come with. Since the session I feel more connected with my body and intuition.”
Francisca R., High School Teacher, Germany
“I am delighted to write this testimonial. Astrid is a truly gifted healer and teacher with a big loving heart. Insightful and caring, it feels as though a door has been opened to my heart. I recommend her workshops to everyone as I am sure you will find them as rewarding as I have.”
Lily N., Administration Manager, Hong Kong
“I didn’t think that my very difficult situation could ever be resolved. I was very tired, confused and overwhelmed by it all; something in me realized that my only possible solution lay in other realms. I eventually discovered Astrid’s work, the results of which have astounded me. It was certainly different, but now I feel there is no issue that I cannot deal with in a calm and positive way.”
Mark K., Business Owner, Hong Kong
“… Eine Sitzung mit Ihnen ist immer bereichernd. Sie sehen die Dinge so klar und aus anderen Perspektiven, das bringt mich weiter. Sie sind wirklich Geschenk und scheinen ein so klares, helles Licht! ”
Hanna, Abteilungsleiterin in einer Immobilienagentur, Hong Kong